Piloting territory of the project

Piloting territory of the project

The developed integrated information system will be piloted for the territory, which was selected on the basis of the importance of the transport infrastructure in the northern part of the city of Puchov. The defined area is a very sensitive or even neuralgic point of this region in terms of resilience: A watercourse road that is also part of the Vážska vodná cesta (watercourse road of Váh), i.e. containing a fairway formed by the navigation area. The Nosice dam is confined by a dam wall. Although the lock has not yet been completed, our longest river, the Váh, is planned to be navigable for shipping in the future, in this section up to category Va. The river itself divides below the dam wall into a section of the river channel with a large floodplain, which is flanked on the other side by an artificial channel, thus creating a river island in the middle. The new modernised railway line of the international corridor is therefore designed here in most of its length on several bridges (railway bridge over the protective dyke and the Váh riverbed and over the state road II/507 to the Diel tunnel, railway bridge over the Váh and Nosický Channel, road bridge over the Váh), a footbridge and two tunnels (Diel and Milochov). The beginning of the railway section is directly at the Púchov station, where, moreover, sections with unidirectional and alternating traction meet. The area is bordered by a class II road and a number of other local roads with bridges spanning the above-mentioned watercourses have been built.
Fig. Situation and location of significant objects in the part of Puchov, View of the railway bridge and the dam wall
Recreational uses are planned on the left side of the study area. The right side is characterised by industrial use. The two branches of the river eventually merge into one stream and flow through the centre of the town of Puchov with a population of 17 000 inhabitants. This micro-region appears to be suitable for pilot experiments and validation of the proposed system for assessing the technical resistance of important assets and obtaining initial data sets.

Photos from the meters


Photos bridge kskm