Faculty of civil engineering

The University of Žilina belongs to the top 3 university in Slovakia.
The Faculty of Civil Engineering (FCE), University of Žilina was established in 1953. It is a dynamic developing faculty and leader in engineering solutions for civil infrastructure challenges. The Faculty comprises eight Departments, Centre of Excellence in Transport Engineering, Centre of Applied Research, and Accredited Laboratory. The educational activities of FCE specialise in three levels – bachelor, master, and doctoral. Graduates acquire appropriate theoretical and practical knowledge in Civil Engineering Structures and Building Construction. The scientific and research activities cover the fields of Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Mechanics and Materials, Environmental Engineering, Building Engineering and Urban Planning, Monitoring and Assessment of Bridges, Road and Railway Engineering, Construction Management, Geodesy and Geotechnical investigation. Researchers actively collaborate with the public sector, national road and railway administrators, and civil engineering companies. The Faculty is a member of many international and domestic projects.
As part of the REMAKE 3D project, the Faculty is represented by three departments – Department of Structures and Bridges, Department of Geodesy, Department of Structural Mechanics, and Applied Mathematics. The research potential of the member group will focus on data collection, territory monitoring, and creation of 3D digital model of pilot objects.
Department of Structures and Bridges
The research activities are focused on aging bridges and practical applications of research results. The research and development work performs inspection, diagnostics, and assessment of existing bridges, reliability analysis, estimation of load-carrying capacity of bridges, material deterioration, and laboratory testing. The Department offers sustainable solutions for bridge rehabilitation, such as strengthening with innovative technology, temporary bridge design, or bridge replacement using low-emission materials. It has been technical support for many road, railway, and cycle bridge design projects and expertise for more than 70 years. The Department is also successfully engaged in projects under the research frame of Interreg, APVV, VEGA, KEGA, COST, Visegrad Fund, and others. An overview of recent projects is available at link: Projects. Department members taking active role in the international bridge associations IABSE, fib, EUROSTRUCT and IABMAS.
Department of Geodesy
Department of Geodesy provides at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, courses in geodesy and cartography, engineering structures and traffic structures, construction and earthworks. At the Institute of Alpine Biology, it provides courses in the field of Wildlife rangers. The scientific research and professional activities of the department are focused on engineering geodesy, GIS, photogrammetry, cartography, physical geodesy, microgravimetry, geographic information systems, mining surveying, metrology and global positioning. Research activity : Analysis of methods of measuring the spatial shape of the track for designing its repair; Mathematical 3D models and their applications in practice; Processing and analysis of displacements and reshaping through strain analysis methods; Terrestrial and aerial photogrammetry and digital image evaluation and processing; Statistical processing and analysis of geodetic measurements by application of Estimation Theory methods; Spatial data collection by LiDAR technology to analyse the erosion condition of hiking trails using UAV carrier or pedestrian mode. Cooperation with practice : Measurement of displacements and transformations; Surveying of land and transport objects; Control surveying work on linear transport objects; Surveying measurements for load testing of bridge structures and building structures;Purpose mapping; Surveying works for land development and cadastre of real estate; Densification of point field by GPS methods; Targeting of cultural monuments by terrestrial laser scanning method for the purpose of preserving the current form of cultural monuments and as a basis for planned reconstruction or rehabilitation. Creation of project documentation; Targeting of heaps and fractions in quarrying areas for the purpose of determining volume.
Department of Structural Mechanics, and Applied Mathematics
The department has the deepest history at the faculty and has been home to world-class experts such as prof. Koloušek (the first to formulate the solution of dynamic problems by the deformation method). Its research activities are focused on static and dynamic behaviour of structures, vehicle and roadway interaction, wind and seismic engineering, applied mathematics, teaching theory, algebraic geometry, differential equations and their applications, orthogonal polynomials, special functions and their applications. The main focus is on theoretical analysis, development and creation of computational models of civil engineering structures, their solution by modern computational methods and experimental analysis of these structures in the application of progressive diagnostic methods. All members of the department are actively participating in a wide range of national and international research and educational projects. The Department cooperates intensively with research institutions such as SAS ICA, TRI, BETAMONT, IERE, IFE, FCE STUBA, FCE TUKE, TUZVO and many others.